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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. im starting to wonder if bush got a kick back from the contract? who else bid the gig, i voted for the asshole but just cause Kerry is a twat and a fucking traitor, i dont care democrat or republican, but like i said i cant recall a president who wasnt a moron




    :cheers: ... This past election was definately a lose/lose situation.... You're gonna get fucked either way.. Might as well pick a guy that you can stand to look at for more than 5 mins... something about kerry just makes me want to punch him in the heart... maybe it's the fact he's more two faced than a used car salesman.... That guy jumps bandwagons so fast it makes your head spin....




  2. Is it possible to ride with them? Yes. Would I? Absolutely not. My TCS shocks (set up for +2+1 arms) are about 14-3/4" (I think?). The ride with those shocks is going to be terrible. Your ride height will be a lot higher than normal and they're not gonna be valved right.



    I had to read the post a couple times just to be sure this was goin on a 'shee lol :confused: .... The suspension geometry on the two bkes is COMPLETELY different... you can graft a 250r front clip onto a 'shee but that's a whole nother ballgame...




  3. Yes indeed :headbang:


    Are we going to try and have a "group meeting" on Saturday or something? That way everyone from the HQ can surely meetup, say....at the drag strip? :evil:  :cheers:



    How bout on top of the biggest dune out there? When I crash... I want an audience :confused: ....




  4. My rim's front & rear are both off set on the Shee right now... :D  I just don't want to get the front wider then the rear... :shrugani:  The idea is to get the Shee around 50" wide and maybe 52 to 53" long... :D  I think that it would rock @ the Dunes :headbang:






    It's ok to have the front end 1'' or 2'' wider than the rear... As a matter of fact it makes it easier to control your slides... You have to run +4+1 offset rims with those LT arms... if not it'll handle like pure dee shit....




  5. Interview went great.. she said I should be getting a call eather this Friday or this commin Monday..



    Damn... Waiting on phone calls is the worst...


    Tyler, If everybody did business that way the world would be a better place... the problem is there's people that have a firm handshake and will look you right in the eye while shittin in your tool box...




  6. i can verify the 9k comment.  new tires are shit on moist pavement, and they nearly high sided the bike and sent me flying. 


    on a side note, i did get to ride, and burn off the rear tire on 2 new R-1 LE's.  those are some amazing machines. 


    500 shipped by yamaha, 4 built by me.  :evil:



    4 more life insurance claims...




  7. Good look getting ahold of anybody in there office... and if you do... it's basically throwing money away b/c when you get your product it will be the wrong thing... and 2 months later than promised..... As a matter of fact.... I don't even think there making graphics anymore... Which is good b/c the quality sucks ass


    www.goforitgraphics.com will make anything you want.... high quality... great pirce... great people...




  8. I dunno why but whenever I see a PT Cruiser I'm actually tempted to hit them.  Out here in California, the only people that drive them are ex-soccer moms hyped up on estrogen pills or screaming gay men.  Its not like I hate either of those groups either.  Its just the car.  I dunno if its that I hate the car itself or just the morons that thought it looked good.  Regardless, has to be one of the most nauseating vehicles I've ever laid eyes on.  But don't worry man, I've managed to restrain my urge to slam into them thus far...



    Don't forget about the ultimate homo-mobile:





  9. Ok.... I heard about this game from a buddy... he said it was the sweetness so I went and bought it.... Anybody play this? I'm HOOKED... Like I play it at least 2 hours a day... I could take the time to explain it but it's easier to go here Clicky ..... There's a demo you can d/l there...





  10. I've "heard" that they were decent shocks... but I've never seen anybody run them... I was at the nat. last weekend... well over 150 quads there... not one set of black widows... You're best off buying a set of used elkas and getting them revalved by precision concepts... whoever is doing elka's spec work lately has their head up there ass....




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