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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. i luv bathroom jokes. went bowling once and i kid u not i saw the largest piece of crap i've ever seen...wish i had a pic...or not.


    the worst part of it was not the fact that the whole bowling alley was in the mens room inspecting it...

    ...it was all of us trying to figure out:


    1. how the guy walked outta here

    2. where was the toilet seat cover

    3. and why was their no toilet paper used???


    sick. gross. nasty. i know....but i was laughing so hard. had to add one to the poop stories :)

    (oh yea, to make matters worse, the clean up crew had to like break the shit apart to flush it....GOD makes me gag retelling it!)





    Red meat and peanut butter sandwich...




  2. Dunno who else has checked this out but it's pretty damn cool, internet radio that helps ya find music you like...how many times have ya played the shit out of your favorite CD and wished you could find something else that sounds like that?  Here it is, tell it who you like and it'll play similar stuff, tell it you like it or don't and it'll play somethin' else...




    And hey it's free  :headbang:



    Sweetness... Guess that tops the 4000 songs I got on the pc....




  3. prolly cus his electric meter was glowing red spinning so fast ..  and they was trying tofigure out why this somewhat average size house used so much electricity..lol



    ... or why he has ten 20,000 watt generators running 24/7...




  4. I have my shee set up for XC and Desert.  You can see my sig below.  For MX I would go with everything I got, minus the tank.  And I have a stock swing, most MX'rs shorten theirs to a -1 or -2.  Also, run lower gearing, as MX doesnt have straights that last more than a few seconds.




    First thing First.  Suspension.



    I actually prefer a 15/41 or a 15/38... Less shifting and 2nd/3rd gear pull forever...




  5. :yank:

    And do you have any experience to back this up with?  Or is this just an opinion you came to from looking at pictures.  Their arms look to built better than most out there, and they use better ball joints too.



    How bout I've seen 3 sets of there arms crack in the past 2 months mx racing... My buddy got a set for free b/c they sponsor him... First ride he ran through a bar ditch... I hard hit but nothing to break anything... the arm folded up all to hell... To say that there arms are built better than most out there is a joke....




  6. Anyone herd of HydroDynamics USA F8 iShock ? Seen them for sale, just wondering if they are any good. Thanks  :cheers:



    The shocks are on par with triple rate works... or lower end elkas but the arms are just plain shitty....




  7. I have had BAJA'S, TOUGH , Nice finish, and relativly light. Best bang for your 350-400 bucks. I have Hipers now and the are better on all counts, but like any beadlock almost DOUBLE the dough.



    ^^^^^ ....




  8. I haven't checked this video out b/c I only get dialup whe I'm home on the weekends but.... anyway... I try to stay out of these political threads b/c I get on here to chill not piss into the wind by arguing on the internet... Personally i'm nor democrat or republican b/c as of right now 95% of the people in politics have there head so far up the ol rectum need a glass stomach to see.... I don't believe in all the conspiracy theory hype but after you get through the smoke and mirrors that the media sets up theres some shit that just don't meet up....




  9. Do you have any idea what that would run$$$$$$$ B)



    It was some guys from the site that did it.... about a year ago I guess... It's gonna cost the price of 250r a-arms, shocks, steering stem etc... I would do the search for you but Im on dial up... take me forever....




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