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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. i somewhat agree with you...

    but its an upgrade over factory shee shocks, no?


    put your shee shocks on a 450 and see which you would rather have on there.


    did your $312 elkas need rebuilding? if so how much did you have into them after?



    50$ a shock for new oil/seals.... THe 450 shocks would be fine for your casual rider... but chances are if your bottoming out on a regular basis your more than the "casual" rider.... You also can't even think of putting the 'shee shocks on a 450... the geometry of the two bikes is COMPLETELY different... which is one of the main reasons I'm against this...




  2. I picked up my front elkas for 312$ to the door used.... In there worst day elkas are 10x as good as some wedged in yfz450 shocks.... If your into any kind of serious riding I don't think the yfz450 shocks are anything but a waste of money... unless you get them rebuilt.... then all you have a 700$ pair of rebuilt stock shocks.... If they suck on one quad why would you buy them to put on yours :confused: .....





  3. nawww mike im just not feeling that cocky tonight, maybe a little sentamental, but back in the day meat and walt were plastered all over this site with advice, between them and banchetta i learned a grip of shit about banshee's and i had a few for ten years at that point, that shee used to be an RD-350 street bike, if all the sharp guys leave this site, we will all be just a bunch of chicks chatting......



    I'm with ya Jim.... When I first bought my 'shee and it detonated not 2 weeks later those were the guys that got me back on my feet.... When I first joined on here I didn't know the difference between my head and a hole in the ground.... Kinda justifies me dropping a little coin to help the site out... god knows how much headache/money this place has saved me over the years... Not to mention some dickhead I know in cali that hooked a bruddah up with a swingarm... you don't happen to know him do ya :confused::D;) ?





  4. meat you and walt have forgot more than most of us know about banshee's, i think ive picked both of your brains enough to where im cool, but theres is alot of new guys that could use your help, come on back and just help everyone out like you both allways have, theres a ton of newbies that could use your help, walt you sent me a counter sprocket nut before a race, meat ive sent 10 buddies to your site to change out a clutch, you guys know your shit........you guys are both why this site is #1.....



    Got a little something on your nose jim :P ....




  5. I ran mine stock rims flipped for a while and never had a problem.

    Wider A-arms don't fix the bump steer problem - a narrower frame where A-arms attach to does so the tie rods and arms travel on the same plane.



    Flipping your front rims will give you more bump steer than shitty a-arms ever thought of.... Also... I nice set of a-arms will also cure a little bit of bump steer.... The average rider Ie: The people that run wheel spacers, wider offset rims or flipped fronts wouldn't even notice the bump steer in stock form.... but it's there.... an by fucking up and already fubared bike as far as suspension geometry goes it throws the whole train off the track....




  6. You can flip your wheels around and gain some width - the rear are no problem but for the fronts you will have to put the valve stems on the opposite side of the rim so it don't rub.....just plug the existing hole by putting a valve stem in the opposite way. You will gain about 4" on the front and about 2 1/2" in the rear. This won't cost you anything except maybe the cost of remounting the front tires.



    Not to mention the fact it'll handle like snot covered shit.... Scroll down to the bump steer thread... then scroll down to the custom axis thread.... By then you should realize just save your money and do it right the first time... Been there, done that... Doing anything to the front end shy of a set of good tires and shocks is a waste of money....




  7. If I really got into it, I could do some pricing, but my father in law is a senior master mechanic for ford......I can get one for less than what a dealership pays for one.....I think its 2% more than what it costs to make the thing + shipping etc.



    That's a really good hookup to have... We know a guy at the dealership were my pop picked up his 04 f250 psd.... FULLY loaded lwb right off the lot at the first of 04 for 33k and some change... I have drove a couple of the HD's.... Tend to forget your in a ford truck.. which is what your going for right?




  8. Well you can d/l google tool bar for free.. it comes with a spell check... from there type hooked on phonics... get that on order.. pass.. then come back and decipher your post into something half way legible.... Then we'll be more than happy to help you out...




  9. Apology accepted.

    It's just that I don't want to be included with these low lifes that sell junk and know it when they are telling you how great the stuff is.I'm trying to keep a good reputation.It is good knowing it isn't a LSR.Just wish I had known that when I bought it.Live and learn I guess. :shrugani:



    You got more for your money... why be upset?




  10. Don't worry folks.  I don't mind a hijack that is full of useful information.  Now if somebody comes in here and wants to start some shit then that'll get under my skin...


    Justin did you talk to Todd directly yet like I suggested?  I agree that it sounds like a nitrogen leak.  I'm far from an expert on shocks but noticeable fade from one trip to the next sounds like more of an issue than just oil getting gummed up by normal use.  Maybe DUNEDEMON knows, can you just stick a pressure gauge on the ressy to measure if you've still got nitrogen?  I think a drive out to Lake Elsinore and a meeting w/ Todd directly will get alot more accomplished than just talking on the phone to one of his flunkies.  He could probably test the shock while you wait and get you a definative answer to your problem.  Just ask when you talk to him.


    Another question - I've got nitrogen here at my work so I'm thinking that it might be worth it for me to snag some regulators so I can service the shock myself.  What kinda PSI are we talking about here?



    Matt seeing as how you are in the middle of so cal... I'm sure you could easily find a local suspension guru that doesn't rape you with the charges... IMO 50$ per shock every 4 months for me is not bad at all... I have mine done at J-H racing (johnny hale's race shop)... Not to mention the turn-around time....


    Justin, A shock fading that fast has other issues.. It takes a good 2 months of mx tracks for my shocks to go slightly downhill....


    On a side note.. this is one of the most informative threads the hq has seen iin a grip..




  11. Didn't Dunedemon do the prototype testing for them also?



    Something like that... I know that dune demon is a eibach rep so It prolly had something to do with that... I don't know the full details so I'll leave it at that as to try to keep my foot out of my mouth...


    Race-a-holic: I'm highly doubting that he was trying to run your name in the mud... Just a mis-understanding... everyone has been there... simmer down B) ...



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