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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Why would you want +3''? You'll be at least 51'' wide with the plus 3'' and the stock offset front rims <_< ... Anyway... this is a wanted ad.. which goes in the wanted section at the bottom of the forum index...




  2. Minus the swinger, my whole rear end is LSR componets....I didn't have one on my banshee but i've beat the hell out of this hybrid... As a matter of fact... the lsr componets are about the only thing I haven't had to tighten on replace.... Is there something you need to know in particular... like pics :shrugani: ?





  3. Well since it has been ages since I had a real vacation Dune Girl invited me down in April. I asked for permission to leave, and I got a yes. I guess were gonna go to the dunes since I have never been to any. But I dont care Im just excited to finally be able to be away from everything up here. I could be on a deserted Island and be the happiest sole around, just because its some place different.



    Well seeing as how my short term memory is shot..I'll just drive down the road.. put on a blindfold for a couple mins... BAM!!... Instant vacation :headbang: ...on second thought... maybe that's not such a good thing :shrugani: .... Anway... have fun in the frozen tundra country...




  4. Sorry I havent had a chance to reply to this post sooner. Right now I'm sitting in the airport so I thought I'd give it a chance.



    While I agree that we disagree, it doesnt change the fact that you have made comments then came back to remove them. Your comments and attitude is what pissed me off. You cant take back whats already been said. I accept your appology and I too am sorry for the way things went down. I'm not here to start pissing matches. Its the whole reason I left in the first place. It was not all your doing either because at the time everyone was shit slinging. I have better things to do than argue with people over stupid shit. Our arguement started over the LT topic but then became passionately fighting over our beliefs. You derrogatory comments towards me and my friends is what pushed me over the edge (the ones that were made and then removed to attempt to look innocent. (you know the ones) We all come here to get away from the daily BS, not involve ourselves into more headaches. Lets get back on subject and agree to disagree. The only reason I attacked you is because you threw the first punch. We've all said stuff we cant take back, For that too I'm sorry. Maybe it will make us rethink what we say before we type it. Im dont throwing cheap shots and slinging shit, because in the end,,,,, everyone is standing around covered in shit.


    Enough of that.....


    Jim and Mike:

    Thank you very much for the comments. Anyone that has met me or delt with me knows that I will give someone my last dollar to help them out. I never expect anything in return because I believe in Karma. And yes Jim,,, I sure am enjoying LasVegas. More T&A than you could shake a stick at. Beautiful weather, and kick ass dunes 100 miles away. Doesnt get any better than that now does it?

    Thanks again!


    As for running a true LT on a banshee w/o a frame swap... There is a way but its more involved than most people will care to get involved in. Just think of grafting the front frame section of a 400ex to the front of the banshee.  We all know 400ex parts are becoming super cheap.......  It will be my next mod when I can get the time. Long live the banshee! My site will be back up soon and that may be one of the next projects I'll do. :)


    /me takes the olive branch and slaps Brooke on the ass  :dance:



    This front end on an 'shee... Walt= :notworthy: ....



    I might be ditching that frame/setup next year... I wanna go full JB/PEP... Welcome back guys :headbang::dance: ....



  5. Roll's are nice, but my God does his stuff have serious price tags.  I'm tossing around this and just buying the Outlaw in the for sale section. 


    There just doesn't seem to be too many places that even bother with these any more.




    That's a good by for 4800-5200.... Keep in mind I paid 5800$ for my crf hybrid...




  6. I think most of the time they are selling the name LSR.

    My nephew called me from the Yamaha dealer this last summer and asked me why I wasn't selling my swingarms in the shops. He said they had 4-5 LSR swingarms

    for sale....want to guess the price that they are selling for?

    Chrome, carrier, etc...ready to run....LSR swingarms here are over a grand!

    Mine are nearly 1/2 that but people don't care. They want the name LSR.




    IMO the only thing they're good for is axles and stems...




  7. does anyone else have a problem with a pop up for macromedia flash player 8 coming up on here today says this might need to be installed for this site



    I don't know what the fuck you just said little kid..... but that shit was special...




  8. The Clarks ran them, my understanding is that they hook up really good but are super heavy. You can get close to the same hook and alot less weight at about half the price if you go with some Kenda Knarlys.



    I just saw this post... stephen hated those i-razrs... There something like twice as heavy as the regular razrs... The kenda knarly xc's hook up just as good... 20$ cheaper... literally lbs lighter...




  9. Ishock is garbage.. Im not going into a long winded debate like i've got into every time I've said that but here's the deal: 3 sets of those have broke right in front of me in the past 5 months... 2 sets a friend from georgia broke.... These are meant to be entry level setups... weak ones at that... If you do mx/freestyle/ride fast look for another option...




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