john, your ignorance hurts. if you have an inflated balloon and you squeeze two of the sides, where does the air go, out the other sides, it deconforms the balloon and sends the pressure to the sides because the air is contained in a flexible surround. same thing with the brakes, when you pull the lever, it pressurizes the line BUT, since the line is a thin rubber tube that is weak, it deconforms and swells the tube robbing pressure that would've otherwise made it to the calipers. with a stainless line, the line is stiff and strong, resistant to swelling so all the pressure goes straight to the caliper. if you don't understand that then nothing else I can say. i would suggest you just stick to your way of doing it.
part of the reason the newer bikes/quads have better brakes are because the lines, even though they're rubber, are much stronger and thicker, so with a yfz450 or a trx, there's less noticeable difference but with the banshee, the lines are thin and cheap.
edit: I don't think "deconform" is a real word.... :biggrin: