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Everything posted by sredish

  1. Banchetta pointed out to me once that adding reeds will actually richen the mixture on some occasions, causing you to have to lean your jetting some. i thought this was peculiar, but it makes sense if you think about it. Your getting quite a bit more airflow. The added airflow will draw more fuel, and in some cases, so much that you'll have to back off your jetting a little to compensate. I'd say, just from what I've heard about the DG's is the Pro Circuits will flow more and you might have to jet up a size or two, but then the reeds could possible richen it some, and you might be somewhat close. As you can see, jetting for each bike can be totally different, and ANYTIME you make a change, you'll have to rejet and read your plugs. NO ONE can tell you exactly what you need to do. Good luck and let us know if we can help.
  2. It's all good, we know you mean well.
  3. +4 on the timing is fine, no need to go more. You can actually mod your own timing plate for free and it's equivalent to an adjustable plate, and, did I mention, it's free. I don't like keys at all, personal thing. All that's done to mod one is to grind the bolt opening counter-clockwise 4mm. Basically, you want to be able to rotate the plate 4mm to the right. Use a die grinder or little rotary wheel to open the hole. 1mm = 1 degree Send boonman a pm, he lightens them, and if you don't like the finished product, he'll exchange it for a stocker. you got the coolhead, no need for anything more with it, your good. shocks will be a big help, just keep in mind that if you get shocks up front and go wider on the a arms later, you'll have to resetup the shock for the new width, which I'm doing at this very moment. if you search some, you'll find loads of info on all this stuff.
  4. I called LSR and asked them about that. They told me to use the stock liner out of the stockers. Duh, I shoulda looked at that. Oh well, I'll just throw them on and go after it. demon, eric told me they normally sell 'em for $30 to $40 depending on the spring, but I got a hookup! is it lb/in or lb/ft? I thought he said lb/ft, but I may have been wrong, and I weigh 195-200 dry and no equipment. no clue what "tender" is, i just asked him for the rates and he said the 5.1 spring I'm using now is a 285lb spring and the 5.4 he's sending is a 300lb. I'll have her up and goin here in a few, actually. i'll update the pics with the finished stuff.
  5. 450cc is a max displacement in the pro class now. that's why they pulled doug gust's motor apart a month ago or so, to see if he was pimpin a little extra uumph. Nope, and he still woops em. With this in mind, the mfgs. build a 450cc or 440 something to use so they can compete out there. That's one reason you don't see them racing raptors, another reason is because they suck!
  6. lighten flywheel advance timing new tires (if you have stockers, new ones will work good. razrs or holeshots) rear axle steering stabilizer a-arms shocks STROKE THAT BAD BOY! Remember, suspension is every bit, if not more, important than power.
  7. Another. I put the bucket underneath to lift them for asthetic appeal for you guys.
  8. My springs currectly are 285 lbs./ft. and he's setting me up with some 300 lbs./ft., and dunedemon, they're 1.88 dia. I had him just go ahead and ship me some out. $20 for each, can't go wrong. Pictures, well, here's where it sits at the moment. I'll probably put the shocks on this afternoon, pump up the comp. and see how they feel. I just need to get some bushings or something for the bottom mounts, as they're just barely bolted and the inside dia. is bigger than the bolt, so they just waller around. They're a tad dirty, but no rust. They got even dirtier after me dicking with the pipes and then moving the arms, I got dirt and crud on them. I need to go wash the whole bike down. Later.
  9. Well, the new Lonestar a arms I picked up from my friend are officially on. +2+1 chrome, camber and caster adjustable, he also gave me chrome tie rods and new reamed spindles. They look really good, other than sitting in a shop for a few months, they don't look used at all. Just finished getting them on. Had to pull the right freaking header because the upper arm bolt wouldn't come out. Pulled the header and beat the hell out of it for good measure. Only problem. The lower arm mounts, the hole where the bolt slides through is bigger than the bolt size so the lower arms are loose and move around, so I guess I'll have to get some bushings to in there, or has anyone else had this problem? They look good, I'll get some pics and a report later. Eric @ Elka said I won't need to revalve, just respring the main spring. So, tomorrow I'll give him the serial numbers off the fronts and he'll get some springs out asap. Temporarily, he said if I need to ride, just dial up the compression some and it should be alright. Can't freaking wait to ride them. Now, I just need to get that pesky steering stabilizer on. Later.
  10. thedieselstop.com blueoval.com might have some. there's another but can't think of it.
  11. Just picked the a-arms up. Lonestar +2+1 chrome race arms, camber and caster adj., with reamed spindles and chrome tie rods. 5 bones, and look like they've never been touched.
  12. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: All you guys are going to hell.
  13. Nah, I don't know my rates off hand. I'm going to look at the aarms this evening. If I get them, I was going to call him back with my serial # and he'll pull the info for me. I almost pm'ed you. demon, whaddya think about just respringing, think that's enough to do it? You guys make their springs, right? Pretty nice little deal you got there checkster. You oughta market that.
  14. I heard or read there is a company that has designed a manual clutch for them and will be bringing it to the market soon. Supposedly, it really lets you get the motor's power to the ground much better producing a much faster quad. Just what I heard. I wouldn't mind having one for the wifey so I can cruis around on it when I'm takin a break.
  15. Haven't messed with shocks too much, other than installing and such. Eric @ Elka told me I could go to a +2 without a revalve, just a respring, which he said is a 5 minute job. Any input on this and the process of respringing?
  16. And what... pay up to get my ass whooped?? Nah, sounds like fun, but I've got some other riding to do. Are you going and entering up or hanging out?
  17. I'm only havin one. I can only ride one at a time so my shee gets the nod. I'm about 8 miles east of I-35 about 8 miles south of the OK border. Just east of Gainesville on Hwy 82. Sounds like a good way to go!!
  18. Talk to Holyman, I believe he's running 60:1 on his Amsoil 100:1 shiz.
  19. Whatsup Yama? Nice to see ya. Later.
  20. if your having second thoughts, they'll stick with you long after you sell it, that is unless you get another. I sold my 250r like 9 years ago. I hated selling it and as I took the check, my heart sunk, seriously. I regretted and, you could almost say, mentally tortured myself for 6 or 7 years until I got my banshee. Now, all is fine again, granted, I loved that freaking 250r and still wish I had it, but at least I'm back in the boat again, because I didn't ride for like 7 years. I had my 4x4 quads, but they're not the same. Whatever you do, it's your decision, and I guess we all have to be grown ups now and then, unfortunately. If you sell it, I'll let you come out and ride mine.
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