I belive the zstart on the rekluse changes the stall speed of the clutch by adjusting a spring on the clutch cable thus raising or lowering the engagement force
The only diference between a rekluse/revlock and my lockup is that on them the bearings are driven by the outer clutch basket thus spinning with the crank all the time. As the rev's go up the clutch starts to engage automaticly. By putting the ball bearings on the innerhub it only spins when you let out the cluch...same as a convential lockup.
You can adust the lockup pressure by changing # of balls, the spring presure, and the density of the balls. You can change them while its on the bike by setting the bike on it side and removing the top plate. There is room for 2 rows of 3/8balls on the banshee for a total of 58
It not a highly "tunable" lockup but thats not its design intent. It is to stop clutch slipping so as long as you have enough lockup pressure to do that than there is no need to tune it further.