Hell, I've done not quite 60 on "glass" before, and it doesn't really seem that fast on water for some reason. Where I was at though you had to keep your eye out for this grass shit coming up through the water. I actually had to explain that to "someone" when I let her drive, that when you see grass, STOP TURN DO SOMETHING!!!!! but don't plow into it. Its terrifying when your wife is hitting 30 on one of those things and you're on back.
Just be safe, use your mirrors, but don't rely on them. Check around often. The few times I've been out I've almost collided with another PWC, just because one of us made a move to sudden for the other to react, or we weren't using our heads.
And yes, catching air is fun, but the landings can be rough as shit. Oh, and wait until someone pulls next to you, pivots, and shoots about 75 gallons of water on you when you're not expecting it. Damn near blow you over.
My friend at my cottage has a sea doo and whenever i go out on the water in my little aluminum boat she always soaks me. The spray hits you like a ton of bricks. !!!