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Banshee Ripper

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    Madoc, Ontario
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Banshee Ripper's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. The 660 Grizzly is gutless for a 660. If your gonna go big go for the sportsman 700 or the Kawasaki 700. But if i were him i would get the Bombardier Outlander 400 HO. Its is a awesome bike and very well built. Yamahas new bikes are built all shotty IMO. I have a 600 Grizzly and had 2 400 Kodiaks a 96 and a 200. The 96 was rock solid. The 2000 was junk.
  2. It all sounds good. What about advance timing? Do i need another mod before i can do that? How much does it help and how much could i advance it and does it make a big difference?
  3. I have a 2003 Yamaha Banshee with PSI pipes, Billet head, 21 cc Domes, Boyeseen power reeds, K&N air filter, Dyno port jet kit, Boost Bottle, and a 15 tooth sproket. I was wondering what you guys think i should do next to my Banshee performance wise that would make it faster. I was also wondering if a 16 tooth sproket would fit the Shee. Thanks Chris
  4. My first quad was a 1996 Yamaha Kodiak 400 4x4 I drove the heck out of that thing. Then i got a Kodiak 400 Ultramatic then the all Might BANSHEE>
  5. SNAKES. I see a snake i just boot it the hell out of there!!!!!!!
  6. Thats to funny I never broken a bone in my life. The worst 4 wheeler accident i had was on my old 2000 Kodiak. I was driving it WOT and hit a rock and it went on 2 wheels and i counter steered and went off a 20 foot cliff. Bike landed 4 feet beside me and rolled 4 times and i landed right beside a big boulder. Didn't even have a scratch on me. The one time on the same bike i was driving WOT on a road and hit ice and wheels caught the snow in the ditch and went end over end and it went right over me and i fell in the nice fluffy snow
  7. I like your comment about having to stroke it to extra times then you have to
  8. I heard people do this before. But im not sure what it means or how it works?? Can you explain it?
  9. GOD DAMN IS THAT GAME FRUSTRATING. I FINALLY PASSED IT. The only place that left me puzzeled was at the end but i figured it out. Im glad im done
  10. Hell, I've done not quite 60 on "glass" before, and it doesn't really seem that fast on water for some reason. Where I was at though you had to keep your eye out for this grass shit coming up through the water. I actually had to explain that to "someone" when I let her drive, that when you see grass, STOP TURN DO SOMETHING!!!!! but don't plow into it. Its terrifying when your wife is hitting 30 on one of those things and you're on back. Just be safe, use your mirrors, but don't rely on them. Check around often. The few times I've been out I've almost collided with another PWC, just because one of us made a move to sudden for the other to react, or we weren't using our heads. And yes, catching air is fun, but the landings can be rough as shit. Oh, and wait until someone pulls next to you, pivots, and shoots about 75 gallons of water on you when you're not expecting it. Damn near blow you over. My friend at my cottage has a sea doo and whenever i go out on the water in my little aluminum boat she always soaks me. The spray hits you like a ton of bricks. !!!
  11. I have a x - ring and it works great!
  12. The only thing i smoke is other ATV's who think they can beat my BANSHEE Smoked a 03 Ds650 with pipe and a dyno jet kit yesterday
  13. I got: Dumb and Dumber Van Wilder Old School Jackass American Pie 1, 2 American Wedding Army Of Darkness Night At The Roxbury Super Troopers Billy Madison South Park Scary Movie School Of Rock Ferris Beulers Day Off Soon to be "The Girl Next Door"
  14. Q) Why did Michael Jackson go to K - Mart? A) He hear boys underwear was half off!! * * Q) Why did Michael Jackson call Boys 2 Men? A) He thought it was a delivery service!! * * Q) What do Michael Jackson and McDonalds have in common? A)They both like to stick there meat in 14 year old buns!! * * * * A boy went into his parents room because he had a bad nightmare. He saw his saw his parents having sex and screamed and went back to bed. The next morning the boy asked his mom why she was jumping on dad. She said "Well son you know how daddy has a big gut? Well i was just flatening it." The boy then says "Well your just wasting your time because when you go grocery shopping the neighbour comes over and gets on her knees and blows him back up!"
  15. Bombardier DS650 Baja X package But i got a BANSHEE
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