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Everything posted by reded

  1. All I can tell you is good luck. I remember when these carbs came out. They are supposed to provide awesome performance, but are a jetting nightmare. If I remember correctly, when I called them to inquire about getting one, I was told to forget virtually everything that I knew about jetting carbs and follow their instruction booklet to the T. The guy claimed huge performance gains but I hate jetting and got a lil skeptical. Then I read a few articles about people going through hell trying to jet them and I kinda lost interest. Just slapped a 46mm Lectron on my bike and went on.
  2. Well I know I'm gonna get bashed for this one but here goes. My brother and I have the exact same mods done to our banshees, they are the same year. The only difference is he has V-Force 2 reeds whereas I'm running stock cages with boyesen petals. Last Oct. we both ran on a dyno within 30 mins of each other and mine pulled almost 5 more hp. To all you piss whiners I'm not doggin V-Force reeds I'm just stating the facts.
  3. Fuck Bubba, Chad Reed is way cooler! Watermelon anyone?
  4. Man, this is the reverse of my situation. I won a set of shearers from some fuck that calls himself duneman on ebay and them bitches aint showed up yet after 3 weeks. He also doesn't return calls or email. If anyone knows this swindler son of a bitch I've gotta crisp hundred dolla bill for some pics of you whuppin his lyin ass.
  5. Don't trust them, they're no good; bunch of..liars, slicksters, and swindlers!
  6. I ordered a Boss intake from them. They said they had it in stock and would be shipped that day. After three weeks and still no intake I called them and was told that they only had one in stock when I ordered and it was missing a piece. I told them to get fucked and ordered it from Jim. Don't buy anything from them, they're no good!
  7. yes, chapparal did have their own line of pipes, but they just farmed the work out to FMF or Procircuit. I'm pretty sure the banshee pipes were exact copies of FMF with the chapparal name plate.
  8. All I know is I've been running stock carbs and mine runs fine. My brother and loco have 35's and theirs don't run fine. Only thing is, mine doesn't pull as hard as theirs on top. So I have bit the bullet and ordered a set of 35 PWK's along with a bottle of Ritalin, to keep me calm throughout the jetting process, and a bottle of extra strength Tylenol, so I don't feel the pain when I start banging my head off the wall.
  9. My brother still hasn't got his running right yet. Has a dead spot in the middle and no amount of jetting will solve it. Oh yeah, he's the 2001 Minnesota state hillclimb champion in the 500cc class. Not to mention I was right on his ass the whole way and we've been racing together for 20 yrs. I think we both know a little something about jetting. Anyone wants to step up and figure that bitch out, be my guest. I've seen loco ride and he aint no slouch, If he says it won't run, it won't run.
  10. Is it possible to replace the countershaft seal without splitting the case. My new one leaks and needs replacing. I didn't know since its got the lip that fits into the case.
  11. Try pm ing 23champ, he's got a set of 28's he used for about two months before he got his passion motor and went with 35's. He'd prolly give you a hella deal.
  12. Summer Beer 1 Large Container 2 Frozen concentrate Lemonade 1 Frozen concentrate Pink Lemonade 15 Beers Pour in lemonade and beer, then fill lemonde can with vodka twice, pour in on top, close the lid, shake well, pour over ice, and enjoy
  13. reded

    FMF silencers

    I've got a set of PC II's. One is kinda tweaked at the mounting bracket on the canister but they look good, already polished and repacked.
  14. reded

    2 into 1 pipe

    I've got a show chrome DMC 916 system I'd like to part with.
  15. So, the dial a jet pretty much turns a Keihin into a Lectron? I like the way Lectrons perform but GD they're built like junk .
  16. I've got an AC desert grab bar that I would gladly trade for a mint stocker + maybe 10 bucks?
  17. Anyone tried to install an AC grab bar? Stupid things don't even have mounting brackets for tail light. WTF? Anybody got a stocker thats decent they wanna sell, I've had it with this no lining up non mountable MOFO.
  18. I kinda think this is funny in an evil sort of way. When I first got my Passion motor I posted a thread on here saying how I couldn't get it jetted quite right and it had a dead spot. Well, some of you assholes were no help whatsoever, claimed I was a piss poor tuner, didn't know a jet from a spark plug, etc... Some of you who are whining on this thread about the same thing, are the exact same dickheads who were talking shit on me in the other one. Well, guess what, mine runs fine now and I ain't telling you the secret! Hope you all hve fun in blaaaaah blaaaah land! Thumbs up dudes.
  19. Personally, I think the Banshee is an ugly fucker. If you just look at it from the top of the radiator to the front it looks like a broken alligator snout. And those bug eyed friggin headlights, c'mon give me a break! Sur is fun in a straight line though!
  20. Mine did the exact same thing. I've still got the stock carbs though. I thought it was just in the carbs and was preparing to shell out the dough for new 35's. After I got about 5 or 6 hrs on the engine it started to run like hell and now I don't have a flat spot. I don't know if I should buy the damn carbs or not. It's gotta make more power with them, but I don't wanna go back to the "blahs".
  21. reded


    This is a Banshee site. What the f*ck do we care about a Grizzly?
  22. reded

    LS, Ok.

    23 champ and I will be attending the first weeend of Oct. If anyone's going let me know and we'll hook somewhere.
  23. I'm using a Tippman M98 with Boomstick and rear cocker. It's not so much the marker but the paint. If the paint doesn't match the barrel you ain't hittin.
  24. Damn sounds like your in the same boat as me. Mines got 370 mains dynojet needle in 1st notch from top with 25 pilots. These are the best settings I've found until I can afford bigger carbs. Mine has 4 stages of power now though. Snappy off the bottom, lean at the throttle setting I use for cruising down the road, rich at mid to upper mid, and hauls balls on top. Perhaps I should call it a Stage 4 "powerband" . It sucks to ride but I'll have new carbs in a couple months, then I can take a sledghammer to those f*#&ing stockers. I'd like to choke the shit outta the jap bastard that decided to stick those dorky, designed in 1967, TORS cluttered up, heavy, ugly, hard to hold the spring and get that friggin widget stuck in the slide, pieces of shit on there in the first place.
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