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Everything posted by reded

  1. Loco is right on my dimensions (tires and swinger). Yes, it is a handful at times and am in the process of having a +8 built. I can't launch near as hard as I want to and it pisses me off at times.
  2. With 10 mil, I'd go with 22x11-8 12 paddle!
  3. 8"-10", 6" will be too short with a 10mil. Turning ability will be sacrificed, but it will be much more fun to be able to turn it loose without the bars smacking your teeth.
  4. I try to go every now and then, it's hella good time with 5 or 6 friends on a Sunday afternoon. I'm using a Tippman M98 with DYE Boomstick barrel. Its not an electronic marker, so no, it won't spray paint all over the place, but it is a good woods gun and extremely reliable.
  5. Fast by Gast, and there used to be a place called Racers Edge that sold em a little cheaper than everyone else.
  6. That shit is no joke! Makes it look new again.
  7. Better get yourself a "can of compression" to go with that new powerband, otherwise you'll be defeating the purpose. I put 20cc's worth in each cylinder on my Cub motor and it made a world of difference!
  8. I would think that you could find the kit a little cheaper than what Trinity offers it for. It sems they are always a little bit higher than most others. As for pipes, I don't know if the DMC's will give the motor a chance to perform up to its potential. Even though you're not drag racing it, I believe a set of inframe drag pipes would work good for road riding, as you're never really using the lower part of the powerband. .02
  9. Raise the needles (move the clip lower) a couple notches and see if that helps. Sounds as tho its too lean.
  10. You may wanna talk to someone other than Trinity. I've personally never heard of anyone getting 115 hp out of a 4mil motor on gas. I think they may be juicing the numbers a little bit. Personally, I would go with the Cheetah cyls due to the fact that they are newer technology and its easier to get big power out of them than the T-Rex. They will both run awesome in the hands of the right builder but the T-Rex will require more work. Go do some research over at Planet Sand, theres more information over there on builders and engine setups than you can shake a stick at.
  11. You are currently running what many consider to be the best with the Maxima. Why switch? If your bike is jetted correctly, you should never have an oil related problem with the motor. If you're dead set on running the Redline oil, I've heard it's very good as well. A lotta drag racers use it.
  12. Same DESTROKER as Wenzls, huh Jeff?
  13. What ya got up your sleeve now Curt?
  14. Lowes or Home Depot I believe, have what your looking for.
  15. No nutts for me bro, I tell it as I see it. I saw champ receive his part in short order and I've seen you blow up for little reason. Therefore my thoughts are justified.
  16. After seeing (with my own two eyes) the way his temper flares, I'm sure he's been anything but calm! You're right, I am a dickhead.
  17. You're right, at this very moment I have nothing better to do than torment you two. You dipshits take the bait every time too.
  18. I've seen one page of you and I'm already sick, go swing from locos nutts somemore with the rest of the kids.
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