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    Durban, South Africa

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HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. I've lost those clips for the caps looong ago, I only handtight my caps with a good grip. I made small pock marks with a centre punch on the body of the carb and the cap to align the cap with the carb. They are easily cross threaded so I'm paranoid about this. Once handtight (with a good grip), it only takes a minute or so to check if the carbs are in sync. I've done this hundreds of times and normally the caps end up in the same place and the slides at the same height.
  2. Same here, I've forgotten about it until your post. I just used some blue locktite and stuck it back in.
  3. Yeah, if only! Isn't that the truth!! The fat cat politicians around here, have no shame in begging for money, yet are still flying around in private jets... On a side note: The value of the Greenback against the South African Rand has halved in the last 1 1/2 years, as my salary is in US$, I'm starting to feel the pinch now.
  4. Mave, just ignore him, he'll be gone pretty soon. Just like the rest of them.
  5. J..J.

    Bad Luck

    Hierdie klomp moffies sal nooit verstaan nie...
  6. Was wondering when you were gonna get with the program!
  7. Do you know this from experience or are you going by what your Raptor buddies are telling you? On second thoughts, don't bother to reply, you've obviously made up your mind about what Banshees are good for.
  8. Congrats man, that rocks!!
  9. Show some pics! What colour plastic?
  10. I've been looking for something like that for a long time now. Wanted to put it behind my Alba flame grill to stop the mud and roost from fucking things up... As you can see the holes in the Alba grill are HUGE. QuadMX, yours is looking good! Like I said it's exactly what I need.
  11. Title says it all, I'm stuck here in a little village in S.Korea, with crap for TV. I'm tired of watchin WWF and listening to TripleH talking shit dubbed in Korean. I've been watching MotoGP and F1 on the net. Anything else? Any motorsport will do!!
  12. At least it looks like you found the problem. That's exactly why I don't like a degree key. Get a new stator from RickyStator if you think this one is fried. Slot the stator plate holes youself, do a search it was discussed not too long ago.
  13. You are correct in your assumption that the cut-away faces the rear of the bike and that this is for more air. The cut-away only affects air-flow at small throttle openings, this is when air flow is at its lowest and needs a bit of assistance. It is strange that everything works perfectly with the slides the wrong way round, so to answer your Q, you won't hurt anything with the slides the wrong way round, but you have definetely not fixed your original problem, just covered it up. What are your mods, elevation and ambient conditions? Also let us know all your carb settings, pilot size, main jet size, needle clip position etc.
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