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How Reliable Are Banshees?

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I will be getting 2 shees verry soon, in the next couple of days, I need to know how reliable they are?


1 person told me that they constantly broke down and that you had to repair them all the time, is this true?


I didn't think it was but I would like to check with all of you banshee owners out there..


Plz I need your responses asap.



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Ok thats good to hear, cause I take very good care of my bikes, I keep them very clean, and keep up the maintnence, I got alitle worried when some of my "friends" where tellin me they were unreliable no matter what....


Im getting a 95 and a 02 piped shee for 4000 so im pretty exited, this will be my first shee, I have always wanted 1..


Thx for your replies, if any 1 else has any input on this subject plz post it, I need as many opinions as I can get..

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I will be getting 2 shees verry soon, in the next couple of days, I need to know how reliable they are?


These quads are as reliable as anything else out there. Every now and then, you'll hear of a cdi going bad, or the stator burning out. These are fairly rare instances. I've had mine for about a year and have not had one thing happen, period. Not even a fouled plug. My bud has had them since I can remember, never have I heard him bitch about the reliability, in fact, I've always envied his machine for how well it always ran. Not fast, just consistent. Never broke down. You do have to take care of them though.


1 person told me that they constantly broke down and that you had to repair them all the time, is this true?


Absolutely not! :rolleyes:


I didn't think it was but I would like to check with all of you banshee owners out there.


This is a great resource for banshee owners, and we help each other out.


Good luck with your 2 <_< banshees. Some of us wished we had 2.

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Hehe thx that is so reasuring, to hear how reliable they are, and I love to clean my bikes and do the mantinence on them and mod them, so that wont be a problem...


When I get them I will be on here ALOT more...


Thx again for your responses...I realy appreciate it..

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My 02 was super reliable until I decided to mod stuff. More HP = weak parts failing. Bottom line, stock is reliable and modded requires more bullet proofing of weak areas.

As of right now, I can't wait to get my Shee up and running so I can sell it. That might change once I ride her again though B)

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1 person told me that they constantly broke down and that you had to repair them all the time, is this true?


Absolutely not! :rolleyes:

I just wanted to make a note to this. Us motorheads are always tinkering. I don't have anything to put on or fix on the banshee right now. But almost every day, I spend an hour or so cleaning, or checking, or greasing, or cleaning air filter or chain, or something's going on. People that don't know any better confuse this with the, "always broke down and have to work on" bullshit.


When I first met my wife, she asked me why I like quads so much if I'm always having to work on. When we first started dating, she would literally sit and watch me clean, tweak, and just tinker for hours every day. I had an lt250r at the time. Like I said, she asked me why I like it so much if I'm always working on it, that's the mentality non-motorheads or non-shee lovers have with these things. They interpret it differently and don't understand.

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OOh I see, yeah I have a few friends like that, they just want to ride then throw it in the garage muddy or not and just ride the $h!t outa it, never do any mantinence or cleaning or anything and expect it to run...


I have a slight problem....


The shees that I want to buy are in California, and I am in Tx. Its a realy nice deal or I would never buy anything I couldn't check out in person and give them the money myself and take the bike back with me....


Heres my problem, I don't know how to use paypal and im guessing you have to put your credit card number down, and my mom doesn't want to do that.

(I am using my money though, my parents are not helping me whatsoever).

I don't want to wire the funds and then him not send the bike, I was thinking maby a cod but with so much money I don't know if that would be safe either.. So do any of you guys or girls out there know how I could do this saftly?


Im 16 and don't know exactly what to do, any help will be GREATLY apreciated!!!



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Where in Ca does he say he is I might be able to make sure this guy or girl is legit. I've been screwed before on stuff like this and this deal seems almost too good to be true. If you have the money I would suggest maybe just buying a Banshee locally it will be safer and you'll be able to check over the bike thouroughly before you buy it.

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Its says oc..... Im guessing thats Orange County, I would do that, but I was trying to find a good deal on 1, I was most likly gonna sell 1 of them after a while...


I can ask him tomorrow threw email where he is, but I wouldn't want you to go out of your way unless you realy wanted to...


Ima try and figure this out tomorrow...If worse comes t worse and I don't get them I guess I'll just keep lookin around, try and find sumthin close to me..


Thx again.

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You may wanna ask for a VIN# or something and make sure they're not hot!  Check this guy out and don't let him fool ya. 


Don't rush into somethin yer not sure of....you may get burned.

Absofreakinglutely, especially when the web comes into play. You need to be very very careful.


I tried to sell a jeep over the internet. The guy said he was going to send me the amount plus extra for storage. the extra amount I was going to give to a guy that would come pick it up and take it storage. That sounded weird, but as long as the payment was legit, I didnt' care what he did. He sent me a cashier's check. I took it to the bank, told them it was a little sketchy and I wanted to make sure that the check was good and there were no problems. They said that would be easy. I went in a week later, and they said the check had cleared, everything was legit. I took out the money I was supposed to give this guy coming. A day or so later, the buyer emailed me and told him the guy could no longer come to pick it up and asked me to send him that amount back. I then said hold up, something's weird. I held on to the money. About three days later, the bank called and said they had messed up and the check was counterfiet. That really pissed me off, one that the guy was trying to screw me, but even worse, two, the bank that I trust said originally the money was good and gave me a portion. If I'd used the money, or sent it back, I'd have been out that money. I would have fought the bank because they told me it was legit, but if the bank wants the money back, they'll get it.


Just beware. Not everybody are crooks, but they are out there.

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