For Good buyers, Good Sellers or Bad Buyers, Bad Sellers. You MUST read forum rules before posting.
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Warning: You must follow the rules below when creating or replying to feedback topics. Failure to follow rules will result in the following.
Strike 1: Warning on your account
Strike 2: Suspension for 30 days
Strike 3: You're out..banned.
This is to keep the BHQ going strong without offending, breaking laws, getting those on public networks into trouble, getting BHQ blacklisted, or corrupting our younger viewers.
1) PROFANITY and/or Threats - Don't bother... Giving a bad/good reputation to a buyer/seller is sufficient... No need to go out of bounds and break rules/laws.
2) All posts MUST be regarding valid transactions done through the BansheeHQ forums... Do not include transactions done through other boards or sites... even if the user is on the BHQ... The good or bad transaction has to happen here to be reported here.
3) Try to settle it with the buyer/seller if it's a negative transaction first... don't immediately post here. Miscommunicatoin can spark much emotion and questions.. so make sure you make every effort to resolve the issue before posting here.
4) The forums here are not for self or otherwise promotion of any user, nor are they for the deliberate "dissing" of another member... They are only for recording transaction results ONLY.
5) If you had a good or bad transaction with a member, you must post within the thread already created for that member... if no member thread has been created, then you may create one.
6) Title the topic/thread with the other member's name you are posting about.. this helps people to search for names easier when looking for feedback.
Enjoy & Happy Buying/Selling!
-Tyler, the HQ Team, and our HQ Sponsors
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