What You Get


  • Premium Member icon when you post
  • Maximum storage space for posting images: 1 1/2 MB’s (3 times more than a standard membership!)
  • Larger allowable attachment sizes: 100kb per attachment (double that of the standard membership!)
  • Premium Members can post attachments in personal messages
  • Max number of storable Personal Messages: 200 (standard membership max is: 80)
  • Allowed to remove “edited by” text when editing your own posts!
  • Edit your own topic title and description (standard membership can only edit message, not topic)
  • Can delete topics that were started by you


  • Premium Members can create up to 3 albums! Use this to create an album for your trip to the dunes, in addition to your album of your banshee, etc.! (standard membership is restricted to one album)
  • Premium Members get 3x’s more storage and can upload images up to 2MB each! (approx. 2048 pixels width)
  • Add up to 30 images per album! (standard membership can add 10 per album)
  • *NEW* Favorite images. Create a list in your profile for your favorite gallery images!
  • Premium Members can post comments on any gallery image!
  • Vote on your favorite gallery images with our HQ rating system, exclusively for Premium Members!
  • Premium Member only forum. (only Premium Members can see this forum)

What It Costs

There are many different Premium Packages ranging from $5 to $50 that include our very own line of BansheeHQ Gear. You can select packages that include stickers, t-shirts, long sleeves, or hoodies. There is something for everyone!

Why We Are Offering A Premium Membership?

Instead of putting up a donation button like you see on other sites, BansheeHQ wants to give you something extra for your contributions! We do that in the form of stickers, hats, t-shirts, hoodies and other items. Our goal is to provide users with the latest in forum technology, but to do that, we need your help! BansheeHQ receives nearly 10 million hits per month, (9.5 million in May 2006 to be exact). With traffic like that, and the amount of media and content (images, downloads, lots of data in the forums database), anything we add or increase requires more time, money, and efforts to make sure BansheeHQ is here each and every day.

Do I Need To Upgrade?
The Premium Membership may not fit what you really require if you only search for information and post only text (with the occasional image here & there). We’re cool with that, as we always have been. The Premium Membership is for those who want to get more out of BansheeHQ and who want to make it not only their community, but also their home on the web. It’s our aim to become a central place for communication with people of similar interests, such as Banshees, entertainment and most importantly information.

We ultimately want to see more and more of you becoming Premium Members, since this would drive and allow us to increase the features and extras available to you. We invite you to give it a try. For about the price of a magazine subscription or one concert ticket, you can enjoy a full year of BansheeHQ benefits!

To Upgrade Your Membership to the BansheeHQ Premium Account CLICK HERE